(My Belly the Day i Gave Birth, Jasmine 1week old)
6am- I was scared that something was wrong because i was starting to see blood.
7am- Rushed to the hospital to find out i was starting to dialate. (3cm)
8am- Was told to go walk and come back at 12
11am- Walked around for like 2 Blocks and was too tired to walk, I packed my hospital bag and baby bag since i waited til last minute to pack.
12pm- Made my way back to the hospital to be told i was (4cm) and would be admitted, but since there was a wait, i was told to go eat since i would not be abled to once im admitted.
2pm- Ate a cheeseburer and started to feel my first small contraction.
5pm- Admitted to the hospital and given a room (5cm)
6pm- (6cm) They had to induce my labor. Broke my water and thats when my real contractions started
8pm- Contractions getting stronger and waiting for epidural shot.
10pm- Still no shot (8cm)
11pm- Laying in the bed watching Friends, feeling such a powerful pain and still no shot. To help me not think about the pain my daughter's father tried making me laugh by doing the robot. Lol it actually helped a bit
11:15- Doctor came to check me and i told doc i was ready to push and he checked and told me go right ahead and push.
11:23pm- After some screams and heavy pushing and 6 Hours of labor, My precious baby was born. All 10 Fingers and 10 Toes... She was so beautiful.
I wanted to take time out to dedicate this post to my precious first born... I was only 19 when i had her and shes made me want to become the best mother and person i could be. I worked hard to provide for her and although i was a struggling single mom i did what i had to for her. To see her precious smile everyday. Now that shes older and has a little sister, she has been such a great big sister and role model for her sister and i couldnt have asked for a more Precious, sweet, caring daughter.
Happy 8Th Birthday!!
❤I love you Jasmine❤